Postdoctoral research positions in Ion Beam-surface interaction and Surface Science
$Competitive | United States | 28 Nov 2012
Postdoctoral research positions are immediately available at Center for Material under Extreme Environment (CMUXE), Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
The position will carry out experimental and modeling research on ion beam-surface, plasma-material interaction for several applications (plasma facing component, fusion engineering, etc.). For experimental position, applicants should have a demonstrated ability to develop experimental techniques including equipment design and implementation and the ability to work in a cross-disciplinary group. The successful candidate will have experience in some or all of the following areas; ion and plasma surface modifications, material erosion, in-situ and ex-situ surface characterization techniques (XPS, UPS, AES, LEISS, AFM, STM, SEM) etc.
Good communication skills in English and the ability of competent and friendly advising of students are also expected. Potential candidates are also expected to participate in proposal writing and generating new ideas for developing new research fields.
普渡大学是位于美国中北部印第安纳州西拉法叶城(West Lafayette)的州立大学。于1869年由约翰·普渡(John Purdue)捐资,印第安纳州划拨土地建造。普渡大学美式足球队为Big Ten联盟中的主要成员,曾在1967年及2001年打进Big Ten联盟的决赛。普渡大学向来以理工农见长,被称为“美国航空航天之母”和“旅游界的哈佛”,教师和学生中多人获得诺贝尔物理学奖、化学奖和经济学获等奖励。有政府特批的土地、海洋和空间使用权。2012年,普渡大学在美国所有的大学中排名第53名。
目前工学院教师中有20位美国工程院院士、2位美国技术和创新奖得主、66位美国科学基金NSF得主,其中电机及计算机工程系有4位美国工程院院士、2位美国工程院Gordon Prize得主,1位美国技术奖得主,1位IEEE主席,23位IEEE院士(fellow)。