Job Title: Postdoctoral Scholar Training Position
Job Number: 7044832
Date Posted: 11/21/2013
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
Job Description
The laboratory of Gavin P. Robertson, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Pharmacology at The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine has postdoctoral training positions available. The translational research training positions involve melanoma drug development, focusing on nanotechnology-based drug delivery for pharmacological and genetic agents. Fellows will use several cell model and animal systems as well as many state-of-the-art techniques and technologies to develop therapeutic agents for use by melanoma patients. These include organotypic models, xenograft and transgenic animal models, nanoparticles, flow & filtration systems, MRI and ultrasound technologies. A Ph. D., M. D., M. D./Ph. D. or equivalent degree is required. Applicants must have proven skills and experience in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, genetics or pharmacology. Basic knowledge of cancer and experience in animal experimentation is preferred but not required. The positions require a minimum 2-year commitment and may be extended beyond this period depending on funding.
宾夕法尼亚州立大学(The Pennsylvania State University)是位于美国宾夕法尼亚州的一所世界著名的公立大学。它在宾州全境有24个校区,其中最大的是主校区帕克(University Park)。它是美国的顶尖公立大学,也是美国大型的高等学府之一:帕克校区的在校学生人数约44817人,而所有校区的在校学生人数总和为95833人。其学术科研能力走在世界前列,在工程、气象、地球科学、地理、传播科学、管理学、特殊教育、农学等方面堪称世界顶尖,也是工业工程和英国文学在美国的发祥地。它还是美国东北部著名的十大联盟(Big Ten)成员。